
Forever 4th!9th Doctor x Reader

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  It had been years since he left you. Back then you were just a girl of 18 only just fresh out of high school. What adventures the two of you had, you and your Doctor. He plucked you off the streets with his blue box and silly scarf. It had only taken one day, one adventure, for you to fall head over heels in love with him. He was quirky, funny, caring, protective, and just a little bit crazy. You never knew what he was going to do next.  The two of you were inseparable for a few years and had many other companions come and go, but you always remained. That is until one day you came a bit too close to losing your head.


The Daleks were on their way to being forced back off the planet you were on, only problem was they wanted to take you with them. You were trapped in a force field mini jail cell as they were dragging to toward their ship. Of course The Doctor saved you though. You were set free when he sufficiently distracted them into letting their guard down.

You were sitting on the floor a bit dazed as The Doctor stood to the side of you. He towered over you on a normal day, but from the floor he looked stunningly giant. His scarf dragged on the ground behind him; it was uncharacteristically tight around his neck as if he had been in a great rush. His wide brimmed fedora had been lost somewhere along the way as well as his coat. You smiled and picked yourself up.

"Thank you Doctor."

He looked at you and grinned the biggest grin you had ever seen. His brilliant blue eyes sparkled at you.

"Come now ______, do you really think I would let anything happen to you?"

You smile back and you two laugh for a moment before the Daleks seemingly got impatient.


Both of your heads turned to the remaining few Daleks in front of their ship. There were a few of the inhabitants of the planet you had befriended around the sides behind you waiting for a chance to spring into action. The Dalek most near the front moved forward slightly before speaking again.


The other Daleks behind it began to chant.


Your breathing quickened and your heart began to pound against your chest. You were only about a foot from The Doctor and even he genuinely looked worried. His eyes were darting around the room wildly as if looking for a solution, any solution. Then it happened. The Dalek out front joined the chanting and raised its laser 'arm'. Something in your brain clicked at that moment. You knew what was happening and you couldn't stop to think. You couldn't reason with yourself. There was no time, you had to act.


You leaped forward at full force and crashed into The Doctor. You both fell to the floor you landing on top of him. You felt very warm and comfortable being that close, but then suddenly your side hurt.

Really, REALLY bad.

"_____?! _____!!! What have you done!?"

You heard The Doctor's voice echo through your skull. The Daleks were making tons of noise as your friends from the planet rushed in. You looked up at the sky as you suddenly felt yourself without strength. You could see lasers flying all around you, screams of pain and death filled the air and you couldn't focus on anything.

Until you saw his face.


He looked worriedly down at you and frantically unwrapped his massive scarf. He wrapped it around you where all the pain was and tied it tight.

"Be calm ______, the Daleks are leaving, you'll be alright."

He told you soothingly. He was struggling to keep calm himself but his voice never faltered. It was the same velvet you came to always know as you fell out of consciousness.


You awoke with all the pain you felt before gone. You stretched gently and looked around. You were in a large bed in a room you'd never seen before.  As you wandered out of the strange room and into the hall it took you a bit to find the control room again. There he was looking distractedly down at the various buttons and knobs. He wasn't really doing anything, just standing there watching the lights change.


He spun around at light speed.


He looked excited for a moment before his expression faded to a look of indifference.

"Good, you're awake."

You raised an eyebrow a little weirded out by his behavior. You walked closer to him and he turned back to the console hitting a few switches causing the TARDIS to whirr frantically.

"Oh calm down you silly's worth it in the end."

He mumbled thinking you wouldn't hear. You did.

"What's going on Doctor?"

You looked worried, he was acting rather strange.

"And long was I asleep for?"

He didn't look at you and instead shifted away to the other side of the console busying himself with seemingly nothing.

"About two weeks."

He glanced up at your shocked expression.

"I put you in hyper sleep to hasten the healing process...and to keep you still enough to heal."

You shook your head.

"Well now that I'm all better, where are we going now?"

You followed him only to have him shift away again. He didn't answer you and seemed as if he didn't want to hear you.


He stopped when you persisted.

"We're going to...(_date and place you were found_)"

You blinked your _e/c_ eyes.

"What for?"

He turned away from you and wandered to the door as the TARDIS landed.


He opened the door and took a look around.

"Ha! Perfectly on the dot! Not a minute past when I picked you up."

You hurried over getting more and more worried with everything he said.

"But why? Why are we back here?"

He turned back to you and threw an arm around you. He escorted you out the door and into the street you recognized but had seemed so far away for so long.

"Because _______."

He looked at you seriously.

"I can't have you getting hurt or....I just can't have you getting in the way."

Your heart was racing again. Fear encircling you like the tight grip of death itself.

"W-what are you saying?"

He took in a deep breath and with a saddened voice you rarely heard from him he spoke softly.

"I'm saying...goodbye."

You gasped and leaped at him taking hold of his scarf. He didn't move.

"No! Nononono! You can't do this to me! I'll be good I promise I'll never step out of place again!! Please!"

He put a hand on your shoulder and leaned forward a little placing a soft gentle kiss on the top of your head.

"It's just too dangerous ______...I'm sorry."

He pulled back from you stepping back into the TARDIS. You tried to follow but his grip on your shoulder held you in place. As he stepped back your grip on his scarf tightened but he simply pulled out of it leaving it dangling in your hands. You were dumbfounded and tears fell from your eyes. He pulled his hand away from you and shut the door behind him as you began to sob.

"NO! NOOO-O-OOOooo! Doctor!!"

You tried to push open the door but it was locked. You banged on it hoping to somehow break in even though you knew it wasn't possible. As you fell against the blue colored wood the engine began to whirr sadly. You looked up wildly as the TARDIS began to fade.

He was gone.

In seconds he was gone and all you had left was a giant scarf falling all over you. You collapsed into a heap on the street and sobbed into the scarf that still smelled of him. It had blood stains on it from when he wrapped you up in it, and now you did it again. You wrapped yourself in it like a cocoon. It was still a little warm but that was quickly gone in the cold evening air.


You walked the streets of London hurriedly. You were late for your new job and The Doctor's scarf was tripping you up as you walked. You had not gone a day without wearing it since he left. It was your only comfort in your boring life. As you hurried along you glanced at the telephone boxes that haunted you since you moved there. Granted they weren't exactly a police box, but they were close enough to have you do a double take every time you saw them. IT was irritating and mind numbing but you were slowly getting used to it.

As you picked up your pace to a slow jog you caught sight of Big Ben and stopped outside your destination. You huffed and puffed thanking your lucky stars that you had enough time to rest before going inside. As you dabbed at your face with a bit of The Doctor's scarf you felt your eyes sting with wetness. Every time you looked at it you felt your heart strings pull. Where was he? What was he doing? Did he have someone new? Did he miss you? Was he alright? Was he even alive? You felt yourself become heavy as you leaned against the wall behind you. You took in a deep breath to try to calm yourself. When suddenly you heard it. That oh so familiar yet alien noise. The whirring of that glorious machine.

"Wha--? That's!"

You spin around and look frantically in all directions. The wind picked up as the whirring became louder. The scarf flew around you wildly as if it were trying to carry you away. It pulled you toward the other side of the street. Toward the park. You squinted seeing a faint blue appear in the field. You held your breath letting the scarf drag you to it. As you neared the blue box materialized before you as if it had never left you. As soon as it was fully solid the wind died down and you were left in silence with the TARDIS. You clung to the massive scarf that was now wrapped around you in all sorts of ways. Your heart was pounding and tears were falling from your eyes. You gasped gently as the door opened and out stepped. Someone.

The strange man looked at you and looked just as shocked as you did.


He looked as if he was doing to break down and cry, but you couldn't imagine why.

"Who are you? Where's The Doctor?"

You asked the man sternly. He stared at you and his eyes fixed on the scarf encircling you. He had short black hair, a leather jacket, a v-neck tee shirt, black pants and boots. He was very dark whoever he was. Nothing Your Doctor would be seen dead in. Your brow furrowed as he just stared at you. Then suddenly he hugged you. Tight. You took in a sharp breath at the unexpected touch.

"W-What? Who ARE you?!"

You tried to wiggle away but he held you tight. You could feel him try to stifle a sob here and there. You couldn't move or do anything as your arms were trapped between yours and his chests. When he finally released you his hands lingered on your shoulders.

"_____...It's me...I'm The Doctor!"

You looked dubiously at him and raised an eyebrow.

"It's long....but I swear it's me! I've just regenerated a few times."

It dawned on you that he could do that. You had never seen it happen yourself but he would always talk of his past faces. You recalled him saying he was in his fourth many was he at now? As if seeing your question in your eyes he sighed.

"Nine...I've been five other people since I left you..."

You look up at him. He was shorter than before. Still taller than you but not by too much. Then you saw them. The same eyes. The same piercing blue eyes. You could see everything he had done in those eyes. You felt yourself break down, all that pain, all the misery and it was in your Doctor. It HAD to be him.

"It's been seven years since you left me..."

You choked out. He laughed and shook his head. When he looked back to you his eyes were wet with tears.

"____...for me it's been over a hundred..."

You slip at that. You let it out and start sobbing. He pulls you to him and you take hold of his leather jacket.

"It IS you isn't it...? My Doctor..."

He nodded and squeezed you tight.

"You have no idea how hard it was to leave you behind..."

You chuckled and pull back from him looking in his eyes.

"Yes I do."

You then leaned forward and kissed him gently. He didn't move for a few seconds but soon he hugged you back to him letting his hand move up to the back of your head.


You had wanted to do this from the moment you met him, and even though he had a different face you knew it was him. Your Doctor.

When you broke apart he looked at you and smiled. You grinned back and he took your hand opening the TARDIS door. You followed him in and gasped at how much it had changed. It was much MUCH bigger! and the longer stark white. You twirled around and laughed.

"I missed you too old girl!"

The TARDIS whirred happily at you as The Doctor pulled you back to him.

"I wanted to protect you...but it was insane living without you...will you forgive me for leaving, and come back to me?"

You let a few more tears fall, but this time they were tears of joy. You had dreamed of this moment since you last stepped out of the TARDIS. Hang your job, and hang your responsibilities. This was your home, and this was your future.

"Of course Doctor...I'll never leave you again. Ever."

He seemed to glow in the lights around you. He grinned the biggest toothy grin you'd seen since he last smiled at you.

Whew! Finally done!

This is basically showing love for Tom Baker as he is also one of my favorites.

And of course bringing it back home to my first Doctor. I loves my Eccleston! <3

This will most likely be a one off one and now I'll be going back to finishing my Tennant series! <3
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